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How Much Does an Ultrasound Machine Cost?

This article has been updated 18-05-2022

How Much Does an Ultrasound Machine Cost?

You will know a lot more about ultrasound machine prices after reading this blog – Generally, the price range is very broad.

Systems cost as little as 5.000 euros or less, while the newest, high-tier systems cost as much as 100.000 euros and up.

The upside – You can find an ultrasound machine for every budget.

Get an overview in our matrix of prices based on the following factors:

The condition of the system and the type of the system, which we have both separated into three categories.

The conditions are: Used, OEM refurbished, or new ultrasound machines.

And the types of ultrasound machines: Entry level, mid-range, or high-tier systems. Better models are more advanced, with more options and features. However, all types are from top-quality brands such as Siemens, Philips, Canon (former Toshiba), and GE.

So, how much does an ultrasound machine cost?

An ultrasound machine costs from 5.000€ to over 100.000€ depending on its condition and performance level. Entry level ultrasound costs from 5.000€ – 25.000€, mid-range ultrasound costs from 10.000€ – 50.000€ and high tier costs from 25.000€ to over 100.000€.

See a more detailed overview below. Note that the prices below are in thousand euros.

As you can see, there is quite a difference in new and used ultrasound machine price.

Also, you should keep in mind that advanced options like 4D or probe choice, such as TEE probes, also influence the price of the ultrasound.

The prices of used probes depend mostly on the type of probe. A general rule of thumb is that:

  • 2D probes cost 1.000 – 2.000 euros
  • 3D/4D probes cost 2.000 – 3.000 euros
  • TEE probes cost 5.000 – 10.000 euros

Before we dive into the different factors influencing ultrasound machine prices – note that you can get all the info in the video below as well, where Mehdi gives his take on answering: How much does an ultrasound machine cost.

Influence of Age on Ultrasound Prices

New systems are of course brand new and basically the same applies to demo systems.

While age has an impact when answering “how much does an ultrasound machine cost” the main factors that affect the price are the options and applications of the system in question. But the condition may vary depending on age.

However, age is less important for refurbished systems, as they are brought up to date in the refurbishment process.

So then, when is the age of the ultrasound relevant?

Basically only when discussing used ultrasound machine price. At LBN Medical our used systems are typically 5 years old but of course, we have both newer and older ones. This will influence what the machine is capable of, and therefore, the price.

What About Demo Systems?

So far we have not mentioned demo systems, and nor includeded them in the matrix. We would position between the new and the refurbished category.

Demo systems have not been sold to an end-user. Usually, the OEMs sell them after they have used them for trainings, trade fairs or similar. Therefore, these machines are not that common on the market.

What should you know about demo systems?

They are of a high quality, practically as new.

How to Choose Your Ultrasound Machine?

Always consider your needs and your budget – and what should be the key point:

Always investigate in the price matrix – the quadrant down and to the right from what you thought you wanted (See our infographic below).

If you are looking for a new system, consider refurbished instead, and if you look for a refurbished system, consider used system first.

This is a good way to optimize the value you get for your investment as you will hereby be able to upgrade to a better model while staying within budget.

For instance: you have looked at a new mid-tier system that costs 50.000 euros. For the same price, you can get a refurbished high-tier system instead.

We hope this blog post answered the question – How much does an ultrasound machine cost and helped you determine what your next ultrasound purchase is going to be.

Contact us if you have further questions, and keep in mind that we can help you with the optimal options and configurations.

What is next?

After learning about how much does an ultrasound machine cost, you can read more articles, or sign up for our brand new mail crash course on ultrasound. This will walk you through all the main factors to consider when purchasing an ultrasound.

By signing-up you will also get all the material as an e-book. And it will only cost you your e-mail address.

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