General Clinical Chemistry Analyzers and Accessories

Instruments, reagents, kits, calibration supplies, replacement parts, and accessories for clinical and specialty chemistry testing of samples. Products include discrete analyzers, genetic analyzers, and a variety of controls for instrument calibration.
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1 - 15 of 24 results

Gallery™ System Reagents for Environmental and Industrial Analysis Thermo Scientific™

Save time by eliminating reagent preparation with the Thermo Scientific™ Gallery™ system reagents for environmental testing, such as water (clean water, wastewater, soil and sludge digests, effluents, and saline) and industrial (process water) analysis.

Gallery™ Discrete Analyzer Thermo Scientific™

Designed to increase efficiency for photometric (colorimetric and enzymatic) and electrochemical (pH and conductivity) analysis, the Thermo Scientific™ Gallery™ Discrete Analyzer provides fast, reproducible results in a compact, benchtop design.

Gallery Reagents for Food and Beverage Analysis Thermo Scientific™

Save time by eliminating reagent preparation with the Thermo Scientific™ Gallery™ system reagents for food and beverage analysis. Over 50 ready-to-use gallery system reagents are offered for food and beverage analysis, with the kits including two to four reagents in 20 mL barcoded vials.

Gallery™ Plus Discrete Analyzer Thermo Scientific™

Experience simultaneous analysis of multiple analytes with the discrete cell technology of the Thermo Scientific™ Gallery™ Plus discrete analyzer. This fully automated, high-capacity analyzer provides fast, reproducible results and has an integrated platform that offers two measurement techniques,...

Gallery Enzyme Master Thermo Scientific™

Gain confidence in your resultls with the Thermo Scientific™ Gallery™ Enzyme Master - the first automated discrete analyzers designed specifically for enzyme assay applications. Combining robust hardware and new custom-designed software, these best-in-class solutions deliver fully automated...

Indiko™ Clinical Chemistry Analyzer Thermo Scientific™

Produce results quickly with sample-oriented testing utilizing the Thermo Scientific™ Indiko™ Clinical Chemistry Analyzer, enhancing the quality of patient care. The Indiko analyzer is a fully automated, bench-top system for clinical chemistry and specialty testing, which, once loaded, provides true...

Indiko™ Plus Clinical Chemistry Analyzer Thermo Scientific™

Experience an uncompromised level of performance and ease of use with the Thermo Scientific™ Indiko™ Plus Clinical Chemistry Analyzer. This fully-automated random access benchtop system for clinical and specialty chemistry testing, combined with system reagents and consumables form a...

Gallery™ Plus Beermaster Discrete Analyzer Thermo Scientific™

Automate labor-intensive and time-consuming beer, cider, malt, and wort testing with the Thermo Scientific™ Gallery™ Plus Beermaster Discrete Analyzer. Using discrete cell technology, the analyzer simultaneously automates the determination of analytes including beta-glucan, FAN, and SO2 from the...

Luminex™ 200™ Instrument System Invitrogen™

The Luminex 200 Instrument System sets the standard for multiplexing, providing the ability to perform up to 100 different tests in a single reaction volume on a flow cytometry-based platform. The Luminex 200 system is compatible with ProcartaPlex multiplex immunoassays and QuantiGene Plex multiplex...

D-Glucose + D-Fructose + Sucrose Thermo Scientific™

D-Glucose + D-Fructose + Sucrose R1-R4 1000 tests R1 3 x 45mL R2-R4 3 x 13mL Ship and Store 2-8degC Do Not Freeze

3500 Genetic Analyzer for Human Identification Applied Biosystems™

The 8-capillary 3500 Genetic Analyzer sets the standard in capillary electrophoresis. The 3500-series instruments are the first genetic analyzers designed with a specific feature set and workflow for the Human Identification application.

Ammonia Thermo Scientific™

Ammonia R1 R2 R3 1000 tests 3x45mL R1 3x13mL R2 3x13mL R3 Ship and Store 2-8degC for Arena analyzers only

INTELLIFLEX Calibration Kit Invitrogen™

The INTELLIFLEX Calibration Kit is for use with the Luminex; xMAP INTELLIFLEX and Luminex xMAP INTELLIFLEX DR-SE systems and is used to calibrate the optics of these systems. The calibration kit contains all reagents needed for calibration of these systems.

TCAutomation™ Laboratory Automation Solutions Thermo Scientific™

Improve safety and efficiency in various types of clinical laboratories with Thermo Scientific™ TCAutomation™ Laboratory Automation Solutions. This expandable and scalable, fully-featured laboratory automation solution allows labor-intensive tasks in pre- and post-analytical phases of sample...

Gallery™ System Reagents for Food and Beverage Testing, Beta-Hydroxybutyrate Standard Reagent Thermo Scientific™

Choose from a continuously expanding selection of tests for automated food and beverage analysis with Thermo Scientific™ Gallery™ and Arena™ System Reagents for Food and Beverage Testing. Colorimetric and enzymatic analysis is applied for different sugars, acids and alcohols, as well as for calcium,...
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Blood Chemistry Analyzer