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  1. Home
  2. Fast&Up Charge Natural Vitamin C & Zinc Orange Flavour, 20 Effervescent Tablets

Fast&Up Charge Natural Vitamin C & Zinc Orange Flavour, 20 Effervescent Tablets



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Product Details


Fast&Up Charge is a completely natural Vitamin C supplement which delivers immunity boosting ingredients like 1000 mg natural amla extract and 10 mg zinc to help boost immune activity, support a robust immune response and increase resistance to immune challenges.

Available in orange flavour, in a tube of 20 effervescent tablets, this effervescent natural Vitamin C supplement is a perfect solution for those who want to avoid frequent attacks of cold, flu and sickness.

Uses of Fast&Up Charge Natural Vitamin C & Zinc Orange Flavour, 20 Effervescent Tablets


Key Benefits

  • Natural Vitamin C plus zinc for boosting immunity and maintaining daily immune system.
  • Helps prevent daily infection and provide antioxidant support.
  • Helps tackle exercise based inflammation as Vitamin C is one of the best antioxidants for fighting the free radicals.

Directions for Use

  • Drop 1 effervescent tablet in 250 ml of water. Wait till it dissolves completely and drink

Safety Information

  • Not for medicinal use.
  • Read the label carefully before use.
  • Keep out of children’s reach.
  • Store in a cool and dark place and at a temperature below 25° C.

Key Ingredients

Amla & Zinc.



Other Information (FAS0112)

This item is Not Returnable.

Expires on or after - Sep-2022

Country Of Origin


Manufacturer/Marketer address

315 Woodrow, 19 Veera Desai Road Andheri West, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400053.

Price :₹195.00

MRP ₹390.00


(₹9.75 per unit)

(Inclusive of all taxes)

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20 Tablets in 1 Bottle